Ea-Nasir's Shop
Game of Ur
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Ea-nasir-shop.com is the result of three symbolic stories
Ea-nasir: memories of Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia and in particular the ancient city of Ur were symbols of sophistication, technological and commercial advancement in their time. Click here to learn more about Human History.
Ea-nasir: ancient merchant
Archaeological excavations at the ancient city of Ur in Mesopotamia have discovered it: Ea-nasir was a copper trader who lived several thousand years ago. Click here to learn more about the results of the excavations at Ur.
Ea-nasir: the Internet phenomenon
First on tumblr in 2015 and then on other social networks such as Reddit, Ea-nasir has regained popularity and is a benchmark in global commerce due to the quality of its copper and customer service. Click here to see the starting point of this story.